RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002

RARE-Vintage-Ojibway-Native-American-Porcupine-Quill-Birch-Box-Signed-2002-01-mil RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002
RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002
RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002
RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002
RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002
RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002
RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002
RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002
RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002
RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002

RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002
Michigan and the Great Lakes region is believed to have been occupied and travelled by indigenous populations for over 10,000 years prior to European settlement. Census Bureau in 2019, Michigan is one of 10 states with the largest population of Native Americans. The Ottawa, Ojibway, Chippewa, Potawatomi and others have a significant place in Michigan’s history. It is one of a kind, featuring the craftsmanship of one of the few Michigan Native American quill artists. The natural resources needed to create a porcupine quill box are birch bark, quills, sweetgrass and the traditional knowledge. Birch bark can only be collected once a year, then it must be left to dry for approximately 6 months or longer. The preparation of quills was labor intensive and timely as well. The quills had to be cleaned, sorted and dyed prior to use. The use of porcupine quills in decorative boxes is a rare commodity as traditional knowledge is on the brink of extinction. Height: approx 1.75 inches. Width: approx 2.25 inches.
RARE Vintage Ojibway Native American Porcupine Quill Birch Box Signed 2002