ULTRA RARE Native American Effigy Sculpture Artifacts Ancient Tribal Artwork

ULTRA-RARE-Native-American-Effigy-Sculpture-Artifacts-Ancient-Tribal-Artwork-01-dq ULTRA RARE Native American Effigy Sculpture Artifacts Ancient Tribal Artwork
ULTRA RARE Native American Effigy Sculpture Artifacts Ancient Tribal Artwork
ULTRA RARE Native American Effigy Sculpture Artifacts Ancient Tribal Artwork
ULTRA RARE Native American Effigy Sculpture Artifacts Ancient Tribal Artwork

ULTRA RARE Native American Effigy Sculpture Artifacts Ancient Tribal Artwork
This beautiful sculpture is a Native American effigy ceremonial artifact made by hand in the United States. The artwork is an ancient form of Native art,, and was procured from Cherokee family land. The tribal affiliation is unsure, but it is associated with Native American culture, we believe it is most likely a trade good, from one shaman to another, since the land was inhabited by a succession of ancient Shaman, and contains right many, perhaps, unused, effigy tools and trade stones and weapons that would normally be associated with ancient magical practices or burial ceremonies.
ULTRA RARE Native American Effigy Sculpture Artifacts Ancient Tribal Artwork